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19 Nuthedamm
Ludwigsfelde, BB, 14974

03378 518 68 20

nova • orthotec | ORTHOPÄDIE MANUFAKTUR | Ralph Seefeld

Willkommen bei der nova-orthotec Manufaktur für Orthopädie in Berlin. Auf den folgenden Seiten zeigen wir Euch, was Euch bei uns erwartet, wer wir sind, warum wir tun was wir tun - und warum unsere maßangefertigten Orthesen, Fuß- und Handschienen für Kinder und Erwachsene etwas ganz Besonderes sind.



There are already enough sterile medical practices in town. And because we did not want to build another one, we preferred to create a home with our new orthopedic manufactory “nova orthotec | Orthopaedie Manufaktur” in Berlin. A place that is not about sickness and problems, but about support and well-being. A place that is about you. And where you will feel very much at home.


When you visit us for the first time, there is no long wait: you can take a look around, maybe even at the garden - then we'll already take you into our large, bright plaster room to make a first plaster cast.   


We will meet again after about two weeks.  Then, you will try on your test-orthosis and we control its fit and check whether everything is as it should be. This is also the time for your personal wishes: What color should the final orthosis be, does anything need to be remodeled, does anything bother you - after all, your orthosis should fit exactly.


Then we we'll make your final orthosis – crafted and built exactly as you wish, like and as you need, down to the smallest detail.  


When you come back to the manufactory after two to three weeks, it will be ready: you can try out your orthosis immediately on the catwalk – or even on the running track outside in the garden, if the sun is out.

And then? You are happy about your new, individual orthosis - and we are at least as happy about making you a bit happier with our work.



It is very important to us that your orthoses last as long as possible. That's why we only use high-quality materials for the manufacture - and really pay attention to the tiniest details. We would never simply cut off a velcro strap – we prefer to shape it precisely, and then design a handmade over-edging.

And because we tailor the orthoses to your individual wishes, there is always a perfect result: orthoses that precisely suit you - and that will support you for a long time.





Our - or rather: your - orthoses are not only custom made, crafted with a lot of attention to detail – we choose the materials with the same great accuracy:

All orthoses designed in our manufactory are made of selected, durable materials. They are produced without adhesives and as skin-friendly, breathable and flexible as possible.



In our large, bright "plaster room", we produce custom made plaster casts, meaning external casts. These casts are poured out and the orthoses are modeled in our plaster workshop. The actual orthoses are ground, stitched, manufactured and individually adjusted in the large orthotec workshop.To check whether everything fits perfectly, our patients can try out their new orthoses in the large fitting room and on our catwalk.